Yesterday was the last day of my church's Vacation Bible School. It was the finale for the week, our big chance to get the Word of God to the children. If it didn't get through to them, it certainly left me hungry for more.
I didn't want to be as involved so I took a smaller job this year and was in charge of the preschool/toddler group. Since the little ones I had were younger than 3, I took them to their class earlier than the older kids. It was too much to expect to have them sit for 20 minutes and watch a Bible Story with everyone else. But God had other plans for me, I was there.
My mom became ill yesterday and she needed some one to be the leader in the Crafts class. I was resistant at first because I didn't want the responsibility of teaching the groups. I was especially negative about it because I didn't know what they would be working on and didn't feel prepared with only hours notice. Come on, it was the last night of VBS. I thought about and turned to God and asked , what is the best thing to do? He spoke to my heart and I knew I needed to do this for the kids.
Boy, am I glad that I was there. After the opening program, all the kids sit together for the Bible Story. Pastor Phyllis from the Community Life Worship Center taught the Bible stories. Pastor Phyllis is from the church that has been using our Fellowship Hall on Sundays to worship in. For the past 2 years we have joined with them to hold VBS.
The story she was going to tell was about Jesus' crucifixion and she was going to do a pantomime. Her miming touched me on so many levels. Her actions, along with the narrated music, were amazing. I felt so sad that Jesus did that for us and here were all these innocent children learning how much LOVE he had for us. She acted out when he carried that heavy cross and I wanted to be there to help him. Words cannot describe the feeling in that Fellowship Hall last night. The one thing I hope those children remember, is that Jesus is Alive! and that he lives in you and me. What a blessing in disguise that was for me. I can't thank God enough for showing me where I needed to be.
God is Great!
For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son, so that those who believeth in Him, will not perish but have everlasting Life. John 3:16
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