Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PYHO:Money Isn't Free

I know that I shouldn't worry about what other people do. I'm supposed to worry about myself and mind my own business. But damn it, this issue that I have, well it burns me. I'm tired of people sticking their hand out and not doing anything to get it. Right now, case in point would be my BIL.

Last night my husband tells me that his brother is tired of his current job right now. What's new? As if I haven't heard this at least a dozen times or more and not just about where he is working now.

I told my husband, "you're wasting your time trying to talk him out of quitting. I know for a fact he has his mind set and you won't change it."

My husband continues to have a texting conversation with his brother trying to convince him to look for another job while still working. That makes more sense.
The conversation ended when my BIL realized that my husband was not going to support his irresponsible idea.

This is what gets under my skin! A person has a perfectly good paying job, yeah maybe the hours suck, but you're getting paid decent money. They's rather just quit, sit on their a$, look like they're trying to find a job and get paid unemployment to do so. But I had my aha moment this morning, yeah in the bathroom, where I always have those epitomes. You cannot collect unemployment in the State of Florida if you quit your job. So when you apply for it and your last employer says, "no he quit", boom you're done. Rejected.

So, now as a Christian woman I shouldn't be saying, "haha, you DA, that's what you get!" I should be saying " you might want to rethink this. You will not get benefits for quitting. " You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. I know full well, I'm wasting my time. He's been down this road many times, quitting well paying jobs because the going gets rough. Usually not getting unemployment wages, but he got a taste of it a year ago. He was laid off and got unemployment and sat on his butt. So he's thinking, I'll do that again. Summer is right around the corner and I can chill out, hang with my buddies, go ride my motorcycle and get PAID!

Not so fast, brother dear!