Note: I started this on Tuesday and never finished it. Yesterday I saw it and thought, well I don't need to post it as a PYHO because I had more on my heart at the time. But God works in mysterious ways and lead me to his word and gave me the push to write on this again.
I know it's not Wednesday but I need a Pour Your Heart Out today. Why can't life be drama free? Why does drama have to find it's way into my life and try to tear it down? Why can't people keep their problems to themselves and not drag others in it?
We've separated ourselves from the friends that have created issues in our life. Not trying to be arrogant and say that we're better than anyone else, but if friends don't fit your lifestyle or the lifestyle you're trying to live, then you start distancing yourself. If you try to consciously do it, it is hard. And unconsciously we have found ourselves on the other side of the fence. The place where I want to be.
The more you involve yourself in other activities that don't include those people and don't join in what they're doing, the less interaction you have with them. Eventually they stop asking and it gets easier.
But the problem is when you are still friends with some of the people from your past. They are still linked to it. And you get yourself involved in the drama again without even trying.
I don't need that stress.
I worked so hard to distance myself from it. Life has been good. It's been quiet and enjoyable. No worries about who said what or did what.
You can't have relationships with people when it's based on nothing.
There once was a time when I enjoyed hanging out with them. Then I got a closer look into what kind of life they were leading. I realized that they weren't who I thought they were and the more I have tried to be a better mother, wife and Christian, I knew that I needed to separate myself from that.
I'm trying to find the reason that God has put me in this place. What is HIS purpose? Is it my lesson to learn? Or am I supposed to teach the lesson? I have yet to figure that out.
I feel like I'm caught in the middle without even trying. Gossip is a sin. And what I am involved in could be considered gossip even though what I have been discussing is the TRUTH. The truth about some one else that they cannot realize and are denying. And with their denying they are speaking non truths.About themselves and about others.
As much as I want to separate myself and walk away, as a good Christian I want to stand by their side until they see the light. The truth will see you free. John 8:32
Who will this truth set free? Does it release the burden that those who have carried it on their hearts for so long? Maybe for yet a moment. But it has now been replaced with heartache.
Ephesians 5:6-13 says Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the
wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.Therefore do
not become partners with them; for at
one time you were darkness,
but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children
of light (for the fruit of light is found in
all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the
Lord. Take no part
in the unfruitful works
of darkness, but instead expose
them. For it
is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.
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