Sunday, January 24, 2010

Not my week! Monday post

Welcome to Not Me! Monday where you can see what things I have "not" been doing all week.

I claim to be an organized person. I packed the diaper bag for my husband to take to a birthday party on Saturday afternoon since we're potty training Little E. I packed him enough underwear, a change of jeans, a couple of pull-ups for the drive and some wipes. By Sunday morning I figured that said bag still had enough pull-ups when going to church yesterday morning. So I didn't check the contents. I would never not check the bag before leaving the house, NOT ME!

Of course because of my laziness, it was going to bite me in the butt. After service, during our coffee fellowship K tells me that Little E is stinky. Thankfully he was in a pull-up for that. I grab the diaper bag and dig to the spot where more pull-ups should have been. Empty!! Hubby tells me he put the last one on Little E for the 50 minute drive home from the party. So I had no choice but to put E in his underwear for the drive home from church, risking a potty accident. Thankfully, E is doing quite well with the potty training and no more accidents happened.

I did not forget to put away my belt Sunday morning before leaving to go to church. And I did not leave the same belt on top of my dog's crate, who has separation anxiety,to allow him to pull it into his crate. I did not chase him around the back yard after getting home and finding my favorite belt ruined. I would never chase and yell at my dog for my mistake. Nope, not me!

I was not in the mood for laundry this week. I always wash a few random loads during the week, then dry them, fold them and put them away. I would never leave a load in the dryer. Not me! I would never wash another load, late at night, and not remove the first load from the dryer and put the wet ones in on top of the dry ones. Not me!

I did not bake a cake for my husband's birthday yesterday. Then frost it, put it in a cake taker and forget about it when we went out to dinner. I also did not forget to mention it when we ordered desserts from the restaurant. Not me!
Thankfully, hubby's birthday is Tuesday and we will be eating cake tomorrow.

This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can now head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
