Saturday, January 1, 2011

Read The Sign

Do you ever pay attention to the sign in the ladies dressing room when you walk in? The one that tells you out of courtesy of other guests that you should take out the garments you are trying on and put them back on the return rack. I know I'm not the only one who has ever read it, but lately I feel like I'm the only person who abides by it. No, it's not a law but ladies it is common courtesy to remove the clothing that YOU brought into the dressing room.

I went shopping at my local department store the other day and when I went to find an available dressing room I wasn't sure which ones were being occupied or not because of all the clothes hanging on the hooks. Since I had both kids with me and had contained Little E in his portable stroller I would have normally chosen the handicapped, much larger room. It was pretty busy so I squeezed the stroller, myself and Miss K in a smaller room. I hung the clothes I wanted to try on on the last available hook in the room and was disgusted to find clothes on the floor!

It really irks me that people leave clothes hanging in the dressing rooms but to leave them un hung on a pile in the floor?!! Seriously ladies, didn't your mothers teach you anything? I might understand this coming from the rich, spoiled women in some of the wealthier parts of town but not here where I live. I can only gather that the majority of ladies (well lady, might be even a far cry from what they should be called) in this town are a bunch of lazy ingrates.

Just because there are sales personnel that work in these department stores that are paid to put away the clothes that you didn't want, couldn't fit into or just felt like admiring yourself in doesn't mean they enjoy picking up after you. Have a little common sense and pick up after yourselves! I don't enjoy walking into a dressing room and having to pick up the clothes that you left on the floor, the sitting chair and every available hook.

I had to vent about this dilemma because more and more lately this has been a common problem when I go clothing shopping. Most stores can't employ enough staff to have a dressing room attendant to give you a number and keep track of the amount you take in and out. So it's left up to US to remove what we took in. How hard is that? Maybe this just hits a nerve in me because I have always worked in the retail world from gas stations, jewelry stores, supermarkets and department stores. I guess I just have a heart for the ladies who are stuck cleaning out those dressing rooms.

What is this world coming to today? This is just another one of my pet peeves that I had to get off my chest.