Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday Fragments #119

I really like Friday Fragments
they remind of how my mind is always thinking.
I might start on one thought which leads to another
then another and another and before I know it
I forgot what thought I started with.

Mommy's Idea

* This week has flown by already and tomorrow is my baby brother's birthday. I was going to buy him a card and a gift card and mail it. He always gets me a gift card. But since Wal mart didn't have a great selection of Brother cards I went to Target. Browsing the isles I found the perfect gift, a set of four Simpson's drinking glasses. He LOVES the Simpson's and I couldn't resist. Now I have to carefully wrap each glass in paper and pack them in a box with shipping popcorn to ship to Pensacola. I wonder how much the shipping will cost me. I should have stuck to the gift card, but I like more personal gifts. They get remembered.

* I got the call yesterday that the puppy we had a 2nd hold on at the Humane Society went home with the family who had a 1st hold. I got the butterflies in my stomach when I saw who was calling, hoping that they were saying we could come get her. Sadness hit me instead.

* I wasn't going to go look at any more dogs at the shelter. Who was I fooling? I drove there again this afternoon with the kids. They had a few puppies and we took out a female Catahoula Leopard Hound Mix puppy to play with. I guess the first puppy was not meant to be because this dog is far better! We are 1st hold and we are taking Bella and Ryelee ( my other dogs) to be introduced to her tomorrow. I took a few pictures of her on my cell phone but I'm having problems getting the phone to email them to the computer.

* I can't believe how cold the weather is already getting. A cold front is moving through and has been all day with rain and wind most of the afternoon. I stepped outside a few minutes ago and the temperature has dropped several degrees. I have been waiting for cold weather since it turned October and it never happened. Time to pullout the sweatshirts!

* Shoe shopping is no fun! I used to like to shop for shoes but I have to take a 3yr old and find him more shoes. Little E has wide feet and I've been lucky to find Skecher's skateboard style shoes that fit. But he has outgrown them and now we're down to 2 shoes besides flip flops that he can wear.

*I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for a regular checkup on how I'm doing on my medication. I have to tell the doctor that we need to change one of my prescriptions. One of the side effects is excessive sweating and I've got it. I take this pill in the am and within an hour of taking it I am sweating like a pig. It's horrible. Hopefully he can recommend another pill and it works just as well.

*I'm on the lookout for a sewing machine. I borrowed a Sewing Genie from my mother in law and what a joke that was! I tried to replace the bottom bobbin and trying to do that create havoc. The machine would not sew. I tried multiple times, my husband tried multiple times and then he broke the needle and then it jammed. And the directions were very vague. No help from google either.

* 30 days until we leave for Colorado!! The count down begins.

* I'm meeting with a pet sitter tomorrow to take care of the animals while we go camping. This will be the first time I have left the dogs at home while I go away. I usually kennel them but with the cats, the bird and the fish this is the best route. She charges per trip, not per pets so it's very reasonable.