Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Minute: Just me

I'm trying to start the week of on a good foot and maybe actually get some posting done. I was such a slacker last week and once I missed two days of posting it just all fell apart at the seams. I really don't like when that happens. Especially by the time I was going to write my post for PYHO at Shell's Things I Can't Say it was already Wednesday night and I completely lost track of time and missed all of Thursday blog memes. Boo! So instead of focusing on what I didn't do, I'm going to look forward to a great week! Starting on Sunday with another amazing service by my awesome Pastor James. I love how going to church on Sundays sets the tone for the week. It's so uplifting. Now for some Monday Minute!

The Questions:

1.What's your favorite time of day? The evening. It's quiet in the house, the little ones are sleeping in their beds and it's time to enjoy company with my hubby. We sometimes watch some television if there's a program on that we both watch or I'm catching up on emails, reading blogs or reading a book. If I'm busy with that then hubs is either hanging with his best friend, playing his computer games or "jammin" in his car. ( he loves his mid life crisis sports car)

2.Do you and your significant other send sexy texts? hmmm.maybe. maybe not. I never kiss and tell.
If you got a dream job anywhere in the US and you had to move, where would you choose to move to? I would move to Colorado! I'm sure my cousin is reading this and saying "yes, yes!!". My husband LOVED, absolutely LOVED Colorado when we went to visit this past December and the kids have already asked when are we going back. I hope to go again in the next few years and continue to do so as a regular vacation spot every 3-4 years. Yes, my cousin QB if it makes you happy I could always stay at a hotel next time.

4.What are you wearing? I am wearing one of my favorite pairs of Levi's jeans, and a cute button down dark blue shirt that my hubby picked for me and white socks.

5.If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day? Well skipping work would mean that I am not spending my day with Little E and running Miss K all over creation. So I would start the day with a mani, pedi and eye brow wax. (well I don't get mine waxed, I get mine done by plucking with strings..forgot what that is called) Then I would go shopping with a friend at the mall, followed by a "grown up" lunch at Olive Garden or Macaroni Grill. Then I would go shoe shopping because shoe shopping is no fun with kids in tow. Then I would hit Border's book store to browse the latest books and pick up a coffee while I'm there and enjoy the peace and quiet of a good book. My day off would be ending soon and it will be time to head home to cook dinner, because I know the hubs will be waiting for me to relieve him of the parenting duties.