Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yo Tweeps!

This Thursday I am participating in Supah Mommy's weekly Yo Tweeps Twitter Traffic Exchange. Bare with me it's my first one so I hope this goes well.

1. Click on my Twitter link to follow me!

2. Tweet me @ mrstdrapp I follow #yotweeps

3. Make a blog post just like mine and post your twitter link/icon with the Yo Tweeps directions
and Grab the Yo Tweeps icon for your post as well

Follow the first FOUR Twitter Twaffic hosts listed on the linky on Twitter. Shout out to them #yotweeps " I'm following" They'll reciprocate your love on twitter when they can.

Browse the other #yotweeps linkers! Follow whomever you wish and yell out to them #yotweeps " I'm following!" and they'll reciprocate when they can.

Strike up some friendships. (Follow their blog as well if you're interested.)
