So I was so eager to see Mama M.'s 5QF questions yesterday
but they were not posted when I looked. So I am working on
them today, FRIDAY. Because this Friday I actually am sitting at home.
It is soooo nice.

1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row? Not an entire outfit. I have worn a pair of jeans more than one or two days in a row but when it's cold out and you don't have to worry about sweating in them you can go a few days.
My OCD life will not permit me to wear a shirt or panties more than one day in a row! That is just ewwww.
2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be?
I would live in New York City! Now don't get me wrong, I like where I live because it's not crowded and I can get in MY car and drive myself somewhere without TONS of traffic BUT I would love to experience city life! The BIG city life! Broadway shows, outside diners, corner vendors with hot dogs, the BIG department stores and walking along the sidewalks to get where you're going!
Living in a 3 bedroom apartment in a high rise with a doorman and some one to walk my dogs for potty breaks! It would be kinda nice.
3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?
Well, if money was NOT an option I would say fly. Because driving anywhere more than five hours with the kids is NOT my idea of fun. Too many potty breaks, movie changes and "when are we going to be there!?"'s. ugh. But traveling in the night when they are sleeping is GREAT but it doesn't happen often because that means some one has to drive at night and be completely exhausted.
4. What is your idea of "spring cleaning"?
Purging and dumping out all the accumulated crap from the previous year, moving all the furniture and sucking up all the dust bunnies in every crevice. Wiping down all the knick knacks and airing out the house. Cleaning carpets with a deep cleaner, waxing the floors and dusting EVERYTHING!
I LOVE to clean because I am SO OCD about cleaning. It's hard to do DEEP cleaning often with a 3 1/2 year old in tow all the time. So when I get an opportunity to do it, I take it.
5. What is the best book you have ever read?
Hmmm. I love to read and I would say the best book that has really moved me was
The Shack. I am reading a new book for my
book club that Laura The Purseblogger started and it's pretty good so far. It's called
Cutting for Stone.
I would like to say that the BIBLE is the best book I have read but I have not read the whole book yet. Not from front page to back page. I have read a lot of the Chapters but I like to dig deep into it and understand what it means. So it's a work in progress.
That's it! Hope y'all have a fabulous Friday and weekend! Tomorrow we're taking the kids to Sea World. We have annual passes which makes it more relaxing. No rushing to see it all and going with the flow. And I am making my favorite new burger recipe Cowabunga burgers for my friend Erin and her family tonight. Family FUN night at my house tonight!!!